儒行天弈精品推荐 ---嘉庆通宝背天下太平宫钱

来源:财经新闻网 发表时间:2020-5-20 11:18:19




此枚嘉庆通宝直径约:4.2cm 重:28.9g。材质极为精良,含有一定的金成分。自然氧化包浆,文字遒劲精美,存世罕见,为清钱中之大名誉品。钱币在经历了无穷的岁月之后,依然可以完整地保留下来,实属不易,因此具有很高的市场价值、历史文化价值以及艺术品鉴价值。

Jiaqing Tongbao back to peace

Jiaqing Tongbao was cast in the reign of emperor zongjiaqing of Qing Dynasty. It is one of the ancient coins in China. The characters "Jiaqing Tongbao" are written in regular script and read directly from top to bottom, right and left. Qian Bei is full of left "treasure" and right records 19 characters of bureau name. A small number of coins carry star and moon patterns, and local or auspicious Chinese characters (such as: Gui, Fu, Shou, Kang, Ning), and auspicious languages carry as many as 20 kinds of texts, such as: "ten thousand years of emperor", "national Tai and people's safety", "peace under heaven", "day and day generate wealth", "long live Jiaqing", "unique and unique", "three times of sales", "four directions to celebrate", "five generations in the same hall", which are the only ones seen in ancient springs in the past dynasties.

Jiaqing emperor is the fifth Emperor (1796-1820) who entered the pass of the Qing Dynasty. During the twenty-five years of his reign, there were nearly one hundred kinds of coins that had been minted over the years, which was the most complicated in the form of coins in the Qing Dynasty.

This Jiaqing Tongbao is about 4.2cm in diameter and 28.9g in weight. The material is extremely excellent and contains a certain amount of gold. It is a famous product in Qing Dynasty because of its natural oxidation, elegant writing and rare existence. After endless years, coins can still be preserved completely, which is not easy, so they have high market value, historical and cultural value and art value.

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